Please note that you are authorized to use JC_Hindi font only for
reading purpose of Hindi Bible. This font is a copyrighted material
of Jasmine Computers.
to download and install downloaded font:
to save font:
your information in given box and click on "Proceed to Download".
Click on
Download link as shown in below picture.
You can save your file in any directory. Here it was saved
in C: directory.
To look directory C: - look at number 1.
If it shows "Local Disc (C:) then you can proceed rightaway. If it
shows something else you need to find c directory to save your file.
- To find c: click on the arrow shown in number 1.
- Then select C: directory as shown in number 2.
- Now look again, number 1 box should show directory C:
Now click on "Save". Your file was saved in directory C:
to install font:
Click on
"Start" menu lower left menu with your right mouse button.
Click on "Explore".
Now a
page will open up. Click on C:
- Now look on right side box for font "JC_Hindi.ttf"
- Now first click with left mouse button on "JC_Hindi.ttf" and
now click with right mouse button and click on "Copy" to copy
- Now in explore again look at left side box for directory C: now scroll
down to look for "windows" folder and click on it. If you can't
find "Windows" after scroll down click on C: directory and find
it on right side box. Now double click on it and find "Fonts"
-Double click on "Fonts" folder to open it. Now on right side
of the box click with right mouse button and click on "Paste".
- Now when you look in the folder "Fonts" you will find your
font "JC_Hindi.ttf". It means the font is installed.
That's it now you can read in Hindi.
If you have any difficulty installing font please send us an email.
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